
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Review Criteria

I love food, there's no doubt about it.  Rarely do I ever say something is truly magnificent.  That is a reserved comment.  Rarely do I ever say something is truly horrible.  That is a reserved comment.  Usually, if I don't like something, I will add what would have made it better.

When looking at the restaurant reviews posted, here is the criteria I use:

1 out of 10:     Not at all good, nothing would make it better
2 out of 10:     Not at all good, not much that would make it better
3 out of 10:     Not good, under-average
4 out of 10:     Good but under-average
5 out of 10:     Average, what you would expect
6 out of 10:     Good and better than average
7 out of 10:     Very good and above average
8 out of 10:     Great, unexpected, surprised at the results
9 out of 10:     Dazzled, great, not much that would make it better
10 out of 10:    Loved it, perfect taste, a favorite


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